The territory of Georgia is quite rich in mineral resources, represented by ore (precious, non-ferrous, ferrous, rare metals), non-ore (sandstones, construction, paving stones, mining and chemical raw materials, semi-precious and jewelry stones, etc.), mineral, thermal and fresh water deposits and their occurrences.
Ore - noble, ferrous, non-ferrous, rare metals Non-ore - precious stones, construction, paving stones, mining and chemical raw materials, precious and semi-precious gemstones and others
The mineral-resource base of Georgia represents the set of mineral resources on the territory of the country, and the mineral-resource fund of the country corresponds to the industrial deposits and existing occurrences studied in detail.
The distribution is uneven according to the administrative-territorial units of Georgia, and plays a major role in the economic development of the country.
62.8 %
30.9 %
6.2 %
Mineral resources are one of the main wealth of Georgia and represent an important economic asset in the development of the country.
The investment brochure prepared by the LEPL National Agency of Mineral Resources of Georgia presents the deposits attractive for investment in the territory of the country.