The National Agency of Mineral Resources is a legal entity of public law operating under the Ministry of Economy and Sustainable Development of Georgia.
The Agency was founded on December 27, 2017, according to resolution No. 565 of the Government of Georgia. State control of the agency's activities are conducted by the Ministry of Economy and Sustainable Development of Georgia.
In accordance with the legislation of Georgia, issuing licenses defined by the Law of Georgia "On Licenses and Permits" for the use of mineral resources (except oil and gas) and directing and coordinating the activities to be carried out for this purpose
Preparation of relevant maps of mineral deposits (or occurrences), registration of mineral deposits and occurrences, creation of state balance and cadastral databases and organization of their updating
Issuing a conclusion on the presence or absence of minerals in the area of expected development
Preparation of information about minerals with geological fund materials
Issuance of strict accounting documents - license certificates
Production of departmental license register(s)
Approval of the utilization plan within the framework of the mineral license
Organizational support for the management of the unified state fund on minerals
Participation in the activities of the state inter agency commission for mineral reserves
Implementation of the fulfillment of the conditions of the mineral extraction license or mineral exploitation license, as well as the control of the proper conditions of mineral exploitation by the person exempted from the mineral extraction license according to the established procedure
Registration of all kinds of conducted and current production and scientific geological works in the territory of the State of Georgia, its territorial waters, continental shelf and special economic zone
The Agency consists of 7 structural subdivisions:
Functions of the Mineral Resources Management department
• informational and organizational provision of the management of the state mineral fund;
• Mineral deposit passporting and indetifications
• Carrying out geological planning and exploration-prospecting tasks;
• Conducting engineering-geological and hydrogeological evaluation works on pre-selected facilities for the use of mineral resources and the preparation of relevant geo-information packages.
The structural units of the department:
Merab Chalatashvili
Merab Chalatashvili heads the mineral resources management department
Functions of the Licensing Department:
● Issuance of licenses defined by the Law of Georgia "On Licenses and Permits" for the use of underground space and mineral resources (except oil and gas) and coordination of activities for this purpose;
● Receiving, recording and processing of documents necessary for issuing licenses and sending these documents to structural subdivisions of the Agency and relevant authorized bodies/implementing agreement procedures;
● Preparation of relevant documentation for announcing the auction, issuing the license, making changes to it in the case defined by the law, canceling and extending the validity period;
● Production of departmental license register.
The structural units of the department are:
Irakli Nadareishvili
The Licensing Department is headed by Irakli Nadareishvili
Functions of the license conditions controlunit:
• State control in the field of mineral exploitation;
• Determining the damage caused to the environment during mining;
• When the violation of the license conditions is discovered, drawing up acts on the administrative offense in the manner prescribed by law is required.
Gocha Pirtskheliani
The license conditions control unit is headed by Gocha Pirtskheliani
Functions of the International Relations and Project Management Unit:
● organization and coordination of the fulfillment of obligations defined by international agreements with Georgia in the field of sustainable mineral management;
● Development of proposals for the establishment of an effective system of sustainable mineral management;
● Coordination of the negotiation process with donor organizations;
● Studying international best practices on issues of sustainable management of minerals and developing appropriate proposals for further improvement of the legislation.
Galina Bitsadze
International relations and project management unit is headed by Galina Bitsadze.
Functions of the administrative unit:
● Full organizational support of the agency.
● Organization and general coordination of electronic document circulation within the agency, registration of correspondence, organization of unified case management, archival activities;
● Management of human resources management systems, for this purpose organization of ongoing contests in the agency;
● Preparation of drafts of individual administrative-legal acts of the head of the agency on the appointment, dismissal, disciplinary responsibility and encouragement, suspension of labor relations and business trips of agency employees;
● Information-technological provision of public relations, public information, agency activities;
● Administration of the agency's website and social networks;
● Coordination of economic, financial and economic activities of the agency.
Elene Kemashvili
The administrative unit is headed by Elene Kemashvili.
Functions of the legal unit:
● Preparation of drafts of legal normative acts regulating the main activity of the agency and individual administrative-legal acts of the head of the agency, procedural documentation;
● On the basis of the appropriate power of attorney (warrant of attorney), providing representation of the agency in court in relations with state institutions, other natural and legal persons;
● Analysis of legal issues related to the agency's activities;
● If necessary, giving legal recommendations to other structural subdivisions of the Agency.
Shorena Iosebidze
The legal unit is headed by Shorena Iosebidze.
Functions of the Internal Control Unit:
• Control of compliance with internal regulations and labor discipline by agency employees;
• Conducting inspections in order to detect misconduct and/or actions inconsistent with the goals of the agency's employees, preparing the relevant report and submitting it to the head of the agency;
• Preparing a recommendation regarding the disciplinary responsibility of the agency's employees and submitting it to the head of the agency;
• Control of the implementation of the recommendations given to the agency by the State Audit and/or Internal Audit Department of the Ministry;
• Consideration of customer or other interested parties' applications or complaints within the scope of competence
Levan Buighlishvili
The Internal Control Unit headed by Levan Buighlishvili
Agencies of the Ministry of Economy and Sustainable Development of Georgia: